Game Design and Development Review

Game Design and Development
There is a lot of information available in this book and my review will not do it justice. I would highly recommend clicking the link here to read the book in its entirety after reading my review. I will discuss a couple of chapters in the book that really stood out to me personally.

When reading the book the one chapter that I enjoyed the most would have to be 'The health benefits of playing video games'.

As someone who has personally played video games for my entire life, I have to completely agree with the points brought up about the health benefits. One of the points brought up is the improvement of awareness and cognitive activity. I tend to play more competitive games such as Valorant and Counter-Strike, and from personal experience, the only way to get better at the game and climb the ranks was to learn the maps and understand where the enemy tends to play as well as understanding how my team wants to play and ensure to play of their contact.(playing off contact refers to using the information gathered by    teammates to either gain map control or get a kill.)

When the chapter discusses negative effects it goes onto the topic of Violence in Video Games. While a lot of people love to label video games as a gateway towards violent behaviour I have to disagree with the idea. while people can gain inspiration from violence in media I
personally believe video games can be solely responsible for creating violent mindsets as almost every single form of media has violence and glorifies death.

This book has a lot of information in it and it would be impossible to discuss every single chapter in one blog without it getting extremely boring. I would highly recommend checking the book out here!



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